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  • Ethiopia Chelbesa Natural Gr 1

       Muscat Grape, Peach Candy, Blackberry

Now Available Daily!



Variety: Indigenous heirlooms

Process: Natural

Drying: Sundried on Beds

Elevation: 1900-2200 MASL​

Producer: Smallholder farmers organized by METAD Agricultural Development PLC

Region: Gedeb, Gedeo

Origin: Ethiopia

METAD is a third generation family owned business with a rich history that began after World War II when the Ethiopian Emperor awarded Muluemebet Emiru, the first African female pilot and family matriarch, with land in the Guji and Sidama zones that has become the Hambela Coffee Estate.


Nowadays, METAD has strengthened the local community with employment opportunities including a workforce that is over seventy percent women, educational opportunities including sponsorship for a state-of-the-art elementary school with more than four hundred students, and healthcare for employees.


In recent years, less and less Ethiopian natural coffees can achieve grade 1 classification, with most lots only able to get to grade 3. We hope you enjoy this remarkable Ethiopia natural!

  • Ecuador Santa Gertrudis Yellow Catuai Natural

       Apricot, Marmalade, Chocolate, Cola Candy

Variety: Yellow Catuai

Process: Natural

Drying: 30 days raised beds

Producer: Jose Luis Eguiguren

Farm: Hacienda Santa Gertrudis

Elevation: 1620-1720 MASL
Region: Vilcabamba, Loja
Origin: Ecuador

Hacienda Santa Gertrudis has been in the family for over one hundred years, located south of the Ecuadorian Andes in the buffer zone of the Podocarpus National Park and just a few minutes away from Vilcabamba, a world famous location for its pleasant weather and longevity of it's inhabitants.


Luis Emilio Eguiguren was the first to plant coffee in Hacienda Santa Gertrudis back in 1954, with sole production focused on commercial coffee then. Today, Jose Luis Eguiguren, the third generation of coffee producer at Hacienda Santa Gertrudis, is focused solely on specialty coffee. The entire Hacienda sits on 60 hectares of land, of which 9 are currently planted with coffee.


Santa Gertrudis is a fully equipped wet and dry mill, able to process it's own coffee production as well as provide support and opportunity to neighbouring coffee producers. Jose Luis has supported the connection of many highly talented coffee producers who are focused on intentional coffees and regenerative agricultural practices. This support has resulted in increased economic stability throughout the local community nearby Vilcabamba and beyond.


We enjoy this coffee for its unique flavour experience and its comforting character!

  • Colombia Frank Torres Sidra Washed, Limited Edition

       Floral, Pomelo, Vanilla Cake, Scrumptious


Variety: Sidra

Process: Washed

Fermentation: 48hr in cherry,

60hr depulped

Drying: 15-20 days, covered patios

Producer: Frank Torres

Farm: La Indonesia

Altitude: 1750-1850 masl
Region: Narino, La Union

Origin: Colombia

Thanks to the efforts of farmers like Frank, this area has been transformed from one of illicit trade and violence, into a resilient community dedicated to growing specialty coffee.


This farm is a Torres family inheritance known for exceptional coffee production for over 40 years. Frank has inherited a part of this farm and is in charge of overseeing all processing and farming practices. He is a Q grader who has been passionate about coffee ever since he was young. He started his coffee career by working for a Starbucks' specialty coffee program, as well as a green coffee buyer for exporters and importers. This network of experience has helped him push the boundaries of processing, making his farm one of the most unique and innovative in Colombia. His continuous efforts to improve farming practices has helped him turn 90% of his farm organic as way to preserve soil conditions and protect his crops from plague and devastation.


Frank's coffees have continued to exceed our expectations and we are so proud to serve his different lots and varieties in recent years. This coffee is the sought-after Sidra variety, with so much complexity, refinement, clarity, and deep sweetness!

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